Tag Archives | being in the the brain

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Re: “We only use 10% of our Brains anyway!”

The Brain Clock “Times” featured a story entitled: “We only use 10% of our Brains anyway!” The story, while dispelling the “we only use 10% of our brain” misconception, perpetuates an even more insidious one.  The author traces the origin of the 10% myth back to William James who is reported to have said:  “We […]

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Re: Forbes Spotlights Neuroeducation as Top trend

The post asks:  Will the science of the brain give us new ways to engage with kids to improve their chances for lifelong learning? My response:  No doubt brain science can provide us valuable information about the difference between brain ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ learning. But it must always be remembered that there is a ‘being’ […]

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