Tag Archives | ecd economics

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slavers nuke

Juneteenth: What if the Slavers had Nukes?

“There is no greater injustice than to wring your profits from the sweat of another man’s brow.” — Abraham Lincoln There was a time in the U.S. when it was perfectly legal to own people and treat them like livestock.  Juneteenth is the date the laws forbidding slavery reached the last remaining jurisdiction. While remembering and […]

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2020 Vision: The Institute for the Study and Prevention of ACQUIRED Learning Disabilities

“Learning – it’s the only thing that will never fail us” – Leonardo da Vinci Everything we know about who we are, what we are, why we are, how to do things, and how to change things, we have learned. Learning shapes virtually everything about human life. Implicitly we agree that learning is the central dynamic […]

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This video demonstrates the Magic Ladder’s PQ App (A FREE Chrome Browser extension) that works on on millions of common education and reference resource sites (including #ReadWorks, #CommonLit, #Wikipedia, #ProjectGutenberg). The PQ App works on any word and every word of most websites and provides instantaneous word recognition support. It provides personally adaptive scaffolding for […]

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the wall 2

Early Learning Trajectories: The Obstacle Course Wall

Note: See Demo at bottom of page Convergence Point 1 – Decades of social and economic research, beginning with the Coleman Report and since including Heckman, (Nobel Prize winner) Rolnick (Ex. V.P. of the FED), Hanushek (Hoover Institute) and many others, and decades of developmental neuroscience research, most notably as compiled by Harvard’s Jack Shonkoff, have converged and coalesced into […]

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State of the Union: The Case Behind Obama’s Call for National Pre-K

The science and economics behind #POTUS #SOTU call for National #PREK – @ezraklein analysis and #COTC resources

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