Tag Archives | Adverse Childhood Experiences

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Realizing The Power of Learning

Within a child’s agency, nothing is more universally determining of how they are becoming the adults they are becoming than the ongoing live flow of their learning. Consider the life-benefits of learning early in life that “I will become who I learn to become”.

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Bard: Most Chronic Health Issues are Learned

A transcript of a dialogue with Google’s Bard AI about the relationship between health and learning. OLSN is italicized in bold black. BARD is blue. OLSN Bolds Key Points in Bard’s responses.  Bard’s elaborations have been truncated to keep OLSN’s questions in mind. To read Bard’s full response click on (…) What percentage of the […]

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John Steinbeck on “The Horrible Task of Learning to Read”

This book is always right next to me when I am working.  Every time I see it I am reminded of how it changed my life. It still blows me away. It was about 24 years ago. My then six-year-old daughter and I were at a garage sale on the island of Kauai. I remember […]

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8 dimensions of wellness

8 Dimensions of Wellness = 8 Dimensions of Healthy Learning

Look at the descriptions of each dimension. Each one depends on our learning. There may be aspects of each that are outside our agency, but within our agency, each one not only depends on our learning it is determined by our learning. This is what we need to learn. We are who we learn to […]

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David and Andy with kids reading - emotion

Exploring Differing Assumptions in Reading Science – Emotions and Reading

 Dr. Andrew Johnson is a Reading Specialist and a Distinguished Faculty Scholar and Professor of Literacy at Minnesota State University.  I, David Boulton, am a Learning Activist with Learning Stewards. Dr. Johnson and I have very different views about reading and the process of learning to read. We agreed to learn together and respectfully […]

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Majority of US Population Less than Proficient in Reading

NAEP (K-12) scores aren’t perfectly accurate measures of grade-level reading proficiency. NAAL (17-year-old and up) scores aren’t perfectly accurate measures of adult literacy. The fact that they are separate assessment systems used to report on very different populations and yet come pretty close to predicting each other suggests they are both in the ballpark and […]

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bill maher

Bill Maher: Get Kids Reading!

 Bill Maher is known for pushing boundaries, criticizing and provoking both political wings, and for hosting conversations on a wide variety of important topics. During his April 21 2023 “Real Time” HBO show, Mr. Maher seemed startled as he read the headlines from a recent newspaper piece: “One in three children in America can […]

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artificial intelligence

The A.I. Endangering Us Today

It’s not sentient terminator or big brother AI. It’s AI used like a superweapon by political and corporate predators.

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not in dna

Not in DNA!

Click this or the image for more.

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Caution: Learning is the leading cause of disabled learning

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