Archive | Predatory Ethic

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Ai Police - sm

AI for the Prevention of AI Enhanced Human Predation

The following is a discussion with that explores the need for an AI agency to watch over other AIs.   Bold blue is used to indicate our prompting questions. Bold black and Bold Black Underline is our emphasis of’s response. This discussion will continue to be updated as new questions emerge. Would you agree that the […]

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PI reading

Paradigm Inertia: Science of Reading

You See What Your Knowledge Tells You To See Paradigms are the mental infrastructures that connect and unify the mental models through which we experience the world. Because paradigms, like religious beliefs, can become so deeply rooted in our identities, they can be very hard to change.  Sometimes they are hard to change for scientific […]

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disprove bohm

Paradigm Inertia: Oppenheimer

There are many reasons paradigms are hard to change, some of them are scientific, but the most powerful form of resistance is more personal.

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slavers nuke

Juneteenth: What if the Slavers had Nukes?

“There is no greater injustice than to wring your profits from the sweat of another man’s brow.” — Abraham Lincoln There was a time in the U.S. when it was perfectly legal to own people and treat them like livestock.  Juneteenth is the date the laws forbidding slavery reached the last remaining jurisdiction. While remembering and […]

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Musk: AI Will Hit Us Like An Asteroid

“It blows my mind that people can’t apply exponential growth to the capabilities of AI. You would’ve been called a *lunatic* a year ago if you said we’d have GPT-4 level AI right now. Now think another year. 5yrs? 10yrs? It’s going to hit them like an asteroid.” “I saw it happening from well before […]

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artificial intelligence

The A.I. Endangering Us Today

It’s not sentient terminator or big brother AI. It’s AI used like a superweapon by political and corporate predators.

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