Archive | November, 2023

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Bard quote AI

AI: The Future of Human Interface

…it is only a matter of time before AI becomes the dominant technology in the world. – Bard

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SA - neuroplasticity

Challenging the Common Conception of Neuroplasticity

The Brain Isn’t as Adaptable as Some Neuroscientists Claim. The idea of treating neurological disorders by marshaling vast unused neural reserves is more wishful thinking than reality.

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The First Case Against Too Much Screen Time

The first person known to argue against screen time was Socrates somewhere around twenty-four hundred years ago.  He too was concerned with the unhealthy mental effects of spending too much time staring at and interacting with a hot technology. But the technology he was concerned about wasn’t digital, electronic, or interactive.  Socrates was saying the […]

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Bard: Most Chronic Health Issues are Learned

A transcript of a dialogue with Google’s Bard AI about the relationship between health and learning. OLSN is italicized in bold black. BARD is blue. OLSN Bolds Key Points in Bard’s responses.  Bard’s elaborations have been truncated to keep OLSN’s questions in mind. To read Bard’s full response click on (…) What percentage of the […]

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