Archive | Learning Needs

Note: Click on any word on this page (and click it again) to experience the Online Learning Support Net (OLSN).
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Engaging Learning

Throughout the following conversation please filter your responses through our previous agreements: Children can’t help but learn to become adults Learning is not just “a” central focus; it is “the” central dynamic of being human, encompassing every aspect of our existence and development. Because nothing within a child’s potential agency is (or can be) more […]

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Note: Click on any word on this page (and click it again) to experience the Online Learning Support Net (OLSN).
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Universal Learning Needs

I am in Blue. Gemini (formerly Bard) is in Black Considering everything discussed and referred to in our prior conversations:  Always Learning  What Should They Learn  We Must Be Stewards  Miraculous Intersections Regardless of what we are learning, what are the kinds of learning need experiences that can be consciously recognized during the flow of participating […]

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