Note: Click on any word on this page (and click it again) to experience the Online Learning Support Net (OLSN).

Partnership Announcement: Story Preservation Initiative

Learning Stewards is delighted to announce our new partnership with the Story Preservation Initiative.

The Story Preservation Initiative (SPI) records the personal narratives of high achievers in the arts, sciences, and humanities. (Think artists, astronauts, scientists, engineers, environmentalists … and more). They couple their audio recordings and transcripts with project-based lesson plans for use in 4th-12th grade classrooms. Teachers use the recordings to bring students into personal contact with the first-person stories of extraordinary people who talk about not only what they have accomplished, but also how and why. This direct contact seizes students’ imaginations and propels them into areas of substantive content.

Now all teachers and students in SPI Learning Lab subscriber schools will have access to the Magic Ladder, Learning Stewards’ new innovative tool that helps reading challenged, as well as ELL and ESL, learners. With one click, SPI’s learners can immediately receive decoding, pronunciation, and recognition support. And, for words they recognize, but don’t understand, a second click provides instant access to the word’s definitions, synonyms, roots, and translations. 

Touch WORD for help recognizing, for help understanding, touch ICON. 
Click on any word on this page to experience it yourself
(keep clicking until the box turns green).

Welcome to a new era of reading instruction; a more neurologically efficient way to learn to read, and improve reading, that compensates for variations in decoding, vocabulary, and native language, as it differentially scaffolds learning.

To find out more about the Story Preservation Initiative and their Learning Lab project, click here:

To learn more about the Magic Ladder, click here:

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