Archive | October, 2019

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LI most important for humanity

Our Future Depends on How Well We Learn Together

#MeToo #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #HumanRights #MedicareForAll #ClimateChange #PlanetaryPeace #GenderEquality … Given a multigenerational perspective (which we better have) and the unprecedented complexity, uncertainty, and speed of impending challenges (which we better realize), nothing is more important to humanity’s future than how well we LEARN TOGETHER. Every issue we care about can only be resolved by learning […]

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Re: WSJ: The Ultimate Learning Machines

Alison Gopnik has an important new article in the Wall Street Journal called “The Ultimate Learning Machines“. I recommend it, and I would add… The Ultimate Learning Machines Beings Human babies are the most powerful learners in the universe. So much so that state of the art machine learning is now learning from them. What […]

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