Archive | October, 2023

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John Steinbeck on “The Horrible Task of Learning to Read”

This book is always right next to me when I am working.  Every time I see it I am reminded of how it changed my life. It still blows me away. It was about 24 years ago. My then six-year-old daughter and I were at a garage sale on the island of Kauai. I remember […]

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8 dimensions of wellness

8 Dimensions of Wellness = 8 Dimensions of Healthy Learning

Look at the descriptions of each dimension. Each one depends on our learning. There may be aspects of each that are outside our agency, but within our agency, each one not only depends on our learning it is determined by our learning. This is what we need to learn. We are who we learn to […]

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Is Free Will Determined By Learning?

Stanford University professor Robert Sapolsky just released a new book called: Determined A Science of Life Without Free Will How could a field-leading behavioral neuroscientist claim we have no free will?  He’s not being tricky. He has scientifically arrived at the conclusion that what we commonly call free will is an illusion. You can get […]

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Eyes to I -sm

EYES to I – Look and Learn

Hold up a mirror and look carefully at your eyes.

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