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Re: Kids’ Cognition Is Changing—Education Will Have to Change With It

Re: Kids’ Cognition Is Changing—Education Will Have to Change With It (The Atlantic 2-29-12) Real educational reform must start with reforming the very mission of education. In the face of the ever increasing rate of techno-social-workplace changes taking place we have to stop assuming that ‘what we think children should learn is more important than […]

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death by lifestyle - learning -sm

Other Words for Learning: Lifestyle

INTERHEART Study: Over 90%  of heart attacks (myocardial infractions) can be attributed to lifestyle. America Cancer Society: There is an 82% correlation between lifestyles and cancers. Lifestyle (n.): First used in 1921 by psychologist Alfred Adler for “a person’s basic character as established early in childhood”. Since 1961 the word has broadly meant, “a way or style of living” […]

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cna yuo raed tihs

cna yuo raed tihs? “Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs […]

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Re: “We only use 10% of our Brains anyway!”

The Brain Clock “Times” featured a story entitled: “We only use 10% of our Brains anyway!” The story, while dispelling the “we only use 10% of our brain” misconception, perpetuates an even more insidious one.  The author traces the origin of the 10% myth back to William James who is reported to have said:  “We […]

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Interesting Post on Memory and Attention

Re:  Greg Laden’s Blog:  Modern Neuroscience Verifies a Peircian Idea Interesting reference to a recent paper in Neuroscience related to the role of long-term memory in orienting attention.  It offers an interesting paradigm that is related to our interest in the ‘cycle of engagement’ that enables and constrains learning.

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Re: One Third of Adults “Not Learning” – BBC – We Need a Better Definition of Learning

re: One Third of Adults “Not Learning” – BBC – We Need a Better Definition of Learning From the post: “The study defines learning as being not only taking formal courses but also practising, studying or reading to develop skills, knowledge, abilities or understanding of something.” My comment: The way we define learning is in itself […]

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Re: Who really benefits from putting high-tech gadgets in classrooms?

Re: the LA Times piece on the dubious promise of education technology… In 1991, In an article for the California School Boards Journal discussing the future of Learning and Educational Technology I wrote: “Systems capable of totally transforming our relationship with information, of providing a new (learner) interface to recorded knowledge, will ultimately prove to be […]

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Re: Discovering How to Learn Smarter

Re: Discovering How to Learn Smarter Responded on two levels: 1) re: self-esteem: There is a difference between self-esteem as accumulated positivity and self-esteem as a buoyant absence of self-negativity. Of the two major domains of unhealthy learning, maladaptive cognitive schema and unconscious emotional aversions, the later, and in particular ‘mind-shame’, is largely the result of learned self-disesteem. 2) learning about the […]

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Re: Forbes Spotlights Neuroeducation as Top trend

The post asks:  Will the science of the brain give us new ways to engage with kids to improve their chances for lifelong learning? My response:  No doubt brain science can provide us valuable information about the difference between brain ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ learning. But it must always be remembered that there is a ‘being’ […]

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Re: Dyscalculia and Working Memory

Re: Are the neu­ro­phys­i­cal cor­re­lates of work­ing mem­ory deficits the result of bio­log­i­cally ordained structural/processing insuf­fi­cien­cies (mal­adap­tive bio-development) (1) or are the neuro-physiological cor­re­lates of work­ing mem­ory deficits the result of a lack of neu­ro­phys­i­cal exercise/activity due to learned mal­ada­p­tive pro­cess­ing schema? For a related exam­ple, a recent study of dyslexia moved us closer to […]

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