Archive | First-Person Learning

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Stewarding Healthy Learning for Parents

This video is the closing summary from David Boulton’s Fathers and Families International Conference talk on March 9th, 2022 Event Description: Learning is not just one of the things children do. Everything children do, in every of moment life, involves learning; every movement, every emotion, every thought, every word, and every belief. Babies LEARN to […]

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Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change

Today’s children will live their adult lives in a world profoundly unlike any world any humans have ever lived in. What must we do today to prepare them for life in a future we can no longer predict? What is more important to their futures than how well they can learn when they get there? […]

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growth v fixed mindset

Growth Mindset. Really?

I have long had concerns about the “Growth Mindset” movement. I have a sense that it’s well-intentioned and kindred in some ways, but that it is in danger of becoming yet another fad – another protocol that ends up deemphasizing first-person learning because of how it pushes what to believe. About a week ago  I […]

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Curiosity Invited Podcast: Learning – The Central Dynamic of Being Human

Curiosity Invited Podcast. David Bryan in dialogue with David Boulton about learning and the role it plays in how human beings become who they become. #DavidBryan #learning #healthylearning #whatislearning #whatsnotlearning #curiosityinvited

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Families and Fathers Conference 2022

For parents and all those who support parents: Join us on March 9, 2002, for a special presentation of “Stewarding the Health of YOUR Children’s Learning”. The live presentation will show on the big screens of the 23rd Annual Families and Fathers Conference in Los Angeles, Ca. and will be available for streaming.  For more […]

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in other words - character

Learning: Character

 “The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become” – Heraclitus “It is your character, and your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy. That is all that really passes for destiny. And you choose it. No one else can give it to […]

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ML add for all

Interactive Orthography

Imagine how different everything about literacy learning (and teaching) would be if the orthography was itself able to interactively guide and support learners through learning to recognize and understand any unfamiliar word they encounter. Interactive Orthography

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Hechinger Report: Future of Learning: Hyper-Orthography

Using today’s inexpensive digital technology we can easily add another ‘learner’s layer’ to English orthography and completely reimagine literacy learning through the lens of what ‘hyper-orthography’ makes possible.

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Adult Literacy Tech: Overcoming Self-Sabotaging Habits

According to NAAL data, reading proficiency remains a significant bottleneck to social and economic progress for tens of millions of U.S. adults. Adults struggling with literacy (in their native language) are not only struggling with the inherent difficulties involved in literacy learning, they are struggling with what they learned in the past that is sabotaging […]

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Kids in the future will not be ‘taught’ to read. Every interaction with every word on every device will support them learning to read on their own. We only sense now. We only feel now. We only think now. We only learn now. We are naturally ‘wired’ to learn from what is happening on the living edge of now. Humans learn best […]

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