Archive | Mind-Shame

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What is the ACE score for chronically feeling not good enough in school?

Since the initial emergence of ACE I’ve been interested in getting an additional type of ACE added to the framework: the adverse childhood experience of feeling CHRONICALLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH AT LEARNING. Where is the ACE score for “Chronic Learning-Performance Anxiety-Shame”? For day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year feeling […]

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Re: “AtoZ” PBS-Nova Episode and Children of the Code

RECOMMENDATION: Watch it: PBS Nova: At to Z: The First Alphabet (released 9/23/20) This beautifully well done @PBS @Nova documentary, A to Z: The First Alphabet, outlines how writing developed from pictographs to rebuses to hieroglyphs to the alphabet.  It parallels and improves on aspects of our video the “Alphabet’s Big Bang” (the second segment […]

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Mentorships in Education: A Podcast with David Boulton

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Adult Literacy Tech: Overcoming Self-Sabotaging Habits

According to NAAL data, reading proficiency remains a significant bottleneck to social and economic progress for tens of millions of U.S. adults. Adults struggling with literacy (in their native language) are not only struggling with the inherent difficulties involved in literacy learning, they are struggling with what they learned in the past that is sabotaging […]

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Unhealthy Learning: Chronic Learning Performance Anxiety

What happens to the learning of children who grow up chronically feeling not good enough at learning?Chronic learning performance anxiety negatively affects the learning-health of most of our children.

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How Shyness Affects Learning Spoken and Written Language

When a child is shame-averse to expressing what they are reading, they are, necessarily, less able to learn to read.

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Re: Dyslexics suffer from a slower processor

This is an important step towards better understanding the underlying processing issues involved in ‘reading improficiency’ (affecting 6 in 10) as well as ‘dyslexia’ (affecting 1 in 10)

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TED Talk: Shame Disabled Learning in Culture of Medicine

I experienced… the unhealthy shame that exists in our culture of medicine — where I felt alone, isolated, not feeling the healthy kind of shame that you feel, because you can’t talk about it with your colleagues.

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N.Y. Times: Doctors Suffer From Shame Disabled Learning Too

Until we attend to the culture of shame that surrounds learning errors, we will be only nipping at the edges of one of the greatest threats to our children’s education.

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Refusing to speak or speaking in a whisper spares the child from the possible humiliation or embarrassment of saying the “wrong” thing.

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