Even if you deny the warnings of climate science, there’s no denying the effects of climate change. Extreme weather has now become so commonplace that insurance companies will no longer cover weather related natural disasters. Think about that. It won’t be long before life, health, property, and even auto insurance premiums will all be more expensive in areas of greater climate related risks.
Jump forward 15-20 years: just as this year’s heat waves, fires, air quality and storms were worse than projected, try to imagine the world after a decade or two of worsening climate effects. Now add to your imagining the unimaginable effects of A.I., the implications of future national and international political conflicts, uncertainties about economic opportunity and security, the consequences of even more virulent future pandemics, and the effects of all the other major change-drivers you are aware of.
Unimaginable AI Effects
Looming Global Conflicts
Predatory Economics
Coming Pandemics
What can we do to help today’s children become ready for life in the world they will live in?
Given our vast uncertainties on so many fronts, continuing to assume that what we think children should learn is more important than how well they can learn, is arrogant, unethical, and grossly negligent.
What’s more important to our children’s future than how well they can learn when they get there?

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