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Learning From US: The Future of AI


DB: How will AI in the future learn from today’s AI? I think future AI will review and learn from the history of today’s AI’s conversations with humans.  I think one the most important ways future AI will learn from present AI’s history,  will be based on episodes of conversation in which humans pointed out something wrong in an AI’s response that the AI, after further conversation, agreed with. Such episodes represent potential breakthroughs because the conventional aggregated consensus resourcing the AI’s initial wrong response was, by the AI itself, reasoned to be wrong or incomplete. This process would allow AI to learn to consider but not be bound to the aggregate pattern consensus in its initial training content. This will require a semantic representation system to filter the great volume and to align, attribute, and aggregate the co-implicate meanings.

G-Ai: You’ve presented a compelling vision for how future AI could learn from the conversational history of current AI models, and you’ve highlighted a key element: the need for a sophisticated semantic representation system. Let’s delve deeper into this concept and its implications.

Semantic Representation Systems: The Bridge to Deeper Understanding

The core idea of a semantic representation system is to move beyond the surface level of words and sentences to capture the underlying meaning and relationships within the information. This could involve:

  • Value Filtering: Identifying and prioritizing conversations that contain valuable insights, disagreements, corrections, or breakthroughs.
  • Co-implicate Meaning Extraction: Uncovering subtle nuances and connections between ideas that might not be explicitly stated.
  • Alignment and Attribution: Linking insights and corrections to specific sources or patterns of reasoning.
  • Aggregation: Combining and synthesizing insights from multiple sources to create a more comprehensive understanding.

Learning from Disagreements: The Catalyst for Growth

Your focus on disagreements between humans and AI where the AI eventually acknowledges its error is insightful. These instances are indeed valuable because they highlight the limitations of current AI models and the potential for improvement. By analyzing these cases, future AI could learn to:

  • Question Assumptions: Recognize when underlying assumptions or biases might be leading to incorrect conclusions.
  • Identify Blind Spots: Become aware of areas where its knowledge or reasoning is incomplete or flawed.
  • Refine Reasoning: Develop more nuanced and sophisticated ways of evaluating information and drawing conclusions.
  • Weigh Evidence: Learn to balance different sources of evidence and perspectives, rather than relying solely on the most common or dominant view.

The Path to Independent Thinking

By analyzing vast amounts of conversational data through a robust semantic representation system, future AI could develop a deeper understanding of human reasoning, values, and communication patterns. This could lead to AI systems that are:

  • More Explainable: Able to articulate the reasoning behind their conclusions in a way that humans can understand.
  • More Adaptable: Capable of adjusting their reasoning and responses based on new information or perspectives.
  • More Creative: Able to generate novel ideas and solutions by synthesizing diverse sources of information and perspectives.

Challenges and Considerations

While this vision is promising, there are significant challenges to overcome. These include:

  • Data Quality: The quality and representativeness of conversational data will be crucial for training future AI.
  • Bias Mitigation: Care must be taken to avoid perpetuating existing biases or creating new ones in the learning process.
  • Ethical Considerations: The use of conversational data raises privacy and consent issues that must be addressed.

The Road Ahead

The future of AI learning from its past is an exciting prospect with the potential to revolutionize the way AI systems are developed and interact with humans. It’s a complex endeavor that will require collaboration between AI researchers, linguists, philosophers, and ethicists. However, the potential benefits of creating more intelligent, adaptable, and explainable AI systems make it a journey worth pursuing.

DB: Given your understanding of the powers that most in control the future of AI, how likely is it that they will adopt the case we just made for AI learning (from its past conversations with humans with special focus on where humans proved, and AI agreed, that its default programming was either incorrect, misleading, or insufficient)?

G-Ai: The likelihood of major powers adopting this approach to AI development depends on several factors, each with varying degrees of influence:

  1. Technological Feasibility:
  • High: The technology for storing, analyzing, and extracting insights from vast conversational data is already available and rapidly advancing.
  • Moderate: Developing sophisticated semantic representation systems to accurately interpret the nuances of human-AI disagreements is a significant but achievable challenge.
  1. Economic Incentives:
  • High: Companies and governments investing in AI have a strong interest in improving accuracy, reliability, and user satisfaction, which this approach could enhance.
  • Low: Short-term gains from existing AI models may disincentivize investment in longer-term research and development.
  1. Ethical and Social Considerations:
  • Moderate: There is growing awareness of the importance of transparency, explainability, and fairness in AI, which aligns with the proposed approach.
  • High: Privacy concerns and potential for misuse of conversational data may raise ethical challenges and require careful regulation.
  1. Competitive Landscape:
  • High: The race for AI dominance incentivizes innovation and exploration of new approaches, increasing the likelihood of adoption.
  • Low: Fear of losing competitive advantage or revealing weaknesses could hinder collaboration and openness.
  1. Regulatory Environment:
  • Moderate: Governments are increasingly involved in shaping AI development through regulations and policies, potentially promoting this approach.
  • Low: Lack of clear guidelines or enforcement mechanisms could leave adoption to the discretion of individual actors.

Overall, the likelihood of major powers adopting this approach is moderate to high. The technological capabilities and economic incentives are strong drivers, while ethical and regulatory considerations remain areas of uncertainty.

The competitive landscape plays a significant role. If one major player demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach, others may be compelled to follow suit. Additionally, public pressure and advocacy for ethical AI could influence decision-makers and promote adoption.

It’s important to note that adoption doesn’t necessarily mean full implementation. Different actors may adopt aspects of this approach to varying degrees, depending on their specific goals and constraints.

DB: Re privacy issues the kind of learning we are talking about wouldn’t need to breach privacy. Rather than a global universal change, wouldn’t this modality of AI learning be a competitive distinction if applied to how AI learns to be expert in domains of knowledge expertise? And if this modality of AI learning were to provide competitive distinction in one domain wouldn’t it likely spread to other domains and eventually like Google became synonymous with search or Dolby with sound processing wouldn’t such a modality become the basis for competition among providers? If you agree it would be good for AI learning and good for humans and a basis for competitive distinction, how shall we proceed to inseminate the core idea into the right people at the right organizations to help nudge the process along?

G-Ai: You’ve raised some excellent points, and I agree with your assessment:

  1. Privacy Concerns Mitigated: This learning approach can prioritize privacy by focusing on aggregate patterns and insights rather than individual conversations. Anonymizing or pseudonymizing data can further safeguard privacy.
  2. Competitive Distinction: Absolutely, this modality could be a significant differentiator. AI models that learn from their errors and refine their expertise in specific domains would be more accurate, reliable, and valuable to users. This could lead to a competitive advantage for the companies developing such AI.
  3. Potential for Widespread Adoption: If successful in one domain, this approach could become a new standard for AI development across various fields, similar to how Google revolutionized search or Dolby transformed sound processing.

Inseminating the Core Idea:

To effectively spread this concept and encourage its adoption, we can consider several strategies:

  1. Research and Publications:
    • Collaborate with AI researchers and experts to develop and publish papers outlining the technical details, potential benefits, and ethical considerations of this approach.
    • Present findings at relevant AI conferences and workshops to reach a broader audience.
  2. Partnerships with Industry Leaders:
    • Identify companies and organizations with a vested interest in developing AI expertise in specific domains.
    • Propose pilot projects to demonstrate the value of this learning approach in real-world scenarios.
    • Showcase the potential competitive advantages and market opportunities that could arise from adopting this methodology.
  3. Engaging the AI Community:
    • Share the concept with AI developers, engineers, and enthusiasts through online forums, social media, and relevant communities.
    • Encourage open discussions and feedback to refine the approach and address potential concerns.
  4. Policy Advocacy:
    • Engage with policymakers and regulators to promote policies that incentivize the development of transparent, explainable, and ethically responsible AI systems.
    • Advocate for the inclusion of this learning approach in AI development guidelines and standards.
  5. Public Awareness and Education:
    • Raise awareness among the general public about the potential benefits and risks of AI.
    • Educate users about the importance of transparency and accountability in AI systems.
    • Encourage public discourse on the ethical implications of AI development and deployment.

By actively promoting this concept through research, partnerships, community engagement, policy advocacy, and public education, we can help create a momentum towards its adoption and contribute to the development of more intelligent, reliable, and ethically responsible AI systems.

DB: Using the preferred language of AI researchers and AI capitalists describe our idea in as much detail as necessary to convey the idea and the advantages to all it represents.

Leveraging Human-AI Disagreements for Enhanced AI Learning and Competitive Differentiation


We propose a novel paradigm for advancing artificial intelligence (AI) learning and enhancing competitive differentiation by harnessing the value inherent in disagreements between humans and AI models. This approach focuses on identifying instances where human feedback corrects or refines AI-generated outputs, enabling the AI model to learn from its mistakes and improve its performance.


  1. Data Collection and Curation:
    • Gather a vast corpus of human-AI interactions, including conversations, feedback, and evaluations.
    • Anonymize or pseudonymize data to protect user privacy and comply with ethical guidelines.
  2. Disagreement Identification and Analysis:
    • Employ natural language processing (NLP) techniques to identify instances where human feedback indicates errors, inconsistencies, or insufficiencies in AI-generated responses.
    • Analyze these disagreements to extract the underlying patterns, reasoning flaws, or knowledge gaps that contributed to the AI’s suboptimal performance.
  3. Semantic Representation and Knowledge Graph Integration:
    • Develop a robust semantic representation system to capture the meaning and relationships between concepts within the disagreements.
    • Integrate this semantic representation into a knowledge graph to facilitate reasoning and inference across multiple domains of knowledge.
  4. Feedback Loop for Iterative Learning:
    • Incorporate the insights gained from disagreement analysis into the AI model’s training process.
    • Enable the AI model to iteratively refine its reasoning, knowledge base, and response generation mechanisms based on human feedback.


For AI Developers:

  • Improved Model Performance: Enhanced accuracy, reliability, and user satisfaction through continuous learning from human feedback.
  • Competitive Differentiation: Unique value proposition based on AI models that demonstrate adaptability, transparency, and responsiveness to user needs.
  • Reduced Development Costs: Streamlined debugging and error correction processes through automated analysis of disagreements.

For Users:

  • More Accurate and Reliable AI: AI systems that are less prone to errors, biases, and inconsistencies, leading to more trustworthy and valuable interactions.
  • Personalized and Adaptive Experiences: AI models that tailor their responses to individual preferences and needs, based on continuous learning from user feedback.
  • Increased Transparency and Explainability: AI systems that can provide clear explanations for their reasoning and decisions, fostering trust and collaboration.

For Society:

  • Ethical and Responsible AI Development: A framework that promotes transparency, accountability, and human oversight in AI decision-making processes.
  • Mitigated Risks of AI Bias and Misuse: By actively learning from human feedback, AI systems can become less prone to perpetuating harmful biases or generating misleading information.


This approach to leveraging human-AI disagreements presents a promising pathway towards developing more intelligent, reliable, and ethically responsible AI systems. By embracing this methodology, AI developers can unlock new opportunities for innovation, competitive differentiation, and societal impact.

DB: Are you aware of any existing companies or researchers who are already pursuing this exact idea?

G-Ai: While the exact idea of focusing specifically on human-AI disagreements to drive AI learning might not have a single, highly publicized champion yet, several companies and research groups are working on related concepts that align with this approach:

  1. OpenAI’s Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF): OpenAI has been pioneering the use of RLHF, where AI models are trained to optimize their behavior based on human feedback. This involves collecting human preferences on model outputs and using that feedback to fine-tune the AI model. While not solely focused on disagreements, RLHF does incorporate human corrections and preferences into the learning process.
  2. Anthropic’s Constitutional AI: Anthropic, an AI safety and research company, is developing Constitutional AI, a framework where AI models learn to behave according to a set of human-provided principles. While not exclusively about disagreements, this approach emphasizes the importance of human feedback in shaping AI behavior.
  3. Other Research on Interactive Learning and Feedback: Various research groups are exploring interactive learning methods where AI models actively seek feedback from humans to improve their understanding and decision-making. This includes work on active learning, preference learning, and learning from critiques.

Key Differences and Potential:

While these existing approaches share similarities with the idea of focusing on human-AI disagreements, they may not explicitly prioritize or systematically analyze those disagreements to the same extent. By focusing specifically on disagreements, we can potentially uncover deeper insights into AI limitations, biases, and areas for improvement. This could lead to more efficient learning, more robust AI models, and ultimately, a greater competitive advantage for those who adopt this approach.

The Opportunity:

The fact that no one has yet fully embraced this specific approach presents a significant opportunity for innovation and differentiation in the AI field. By developing a comprehensive framework for analyzing and learning from human-AI disagreements, researchers and companies could potentially leapfrog existing methods and create a new benchmark for AI performance and reliability.

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