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When Learning Hurts – Toxic Learning

What and how students learn can have toxic effects on how well they learn thereafter. It’s vitally important that educators understand this.

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Our government is what our population has learned it to be.

Our national political conversation is devoid of even mentioning the central issue that, within two decades, will most determine our nation’s fate: our most distinctive competency – our only long term competitive advantage – our collective intelligence.

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Two Events in Denver – November 1st and 2nd 2012

Join me in Denver (Nov. 1st and 2nd) for two seminars designed to reboot the mental models of educators and parents!

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Help Us Reduce Reading Shame!

We are raising funds to give our DVD sets to the teachers and literacy volunteers that need it the most but can afford it the least. Help us!

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Re: Microsoft’s ‘National Talent Strategy’ & “Race to the Future’ = Greater Investment in STEM.

I am all for STEM but I think we’d have a greater net number of STEMers if we focused our main efforts on getting more kids READY to learn their way into STEM.

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Obama vs. Romney, The Great Debate: The Mission of Education in 21st Century America

How a president envisions the role of education in shaping the future of America is a telling indicator of his or her core beliefs, philosophies, economic theories, values, morals, and ethics.

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What does it mean that most of our children are CHRONICALLY IMPROFICIENT in the skills most critically important for success in school?

What does it mean that most of our children are CHRONICALLY IMPROFICIENT in the skill areas most critically important for success in school?

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My Keynote to the Georgia School Superintendents Conference

The most cost-optimal, high ROI, way to improve our schools is to focus on upgrading the mental models through which educators understand and experience learning and understand their mission and purpose as educators.

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Re: Common Core State Standards Dividing GOP

The coming political argument about ‘Common Core Standards’ should force us to ask: “What is the mission of 21st century American education?” The mission of CCSS is to: Improve our economic future by teaching students the common core of knowledge and skills that WE KNOW THEY NEED TO LEARN. But how could we possibly think […]

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Is Inequality A Matter of Choice?

The attribution of choice lies at the heart of virtually all forms of social inequality and what might also be called “self-inequality”. How we hold ourselves responsible for our choices forms much of the basis for how proud or ashamed of ourselves we are. How we hold others responsible for their choices forms much of […]

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