Archive | Future Depends

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It’s Time to Awaken Your Learning

It’s Time to Awaken Your Learning Rewind your life twenty minutes or twenty years. Now ask yourself: “What’s the difference between my innermost me back then, and my innermost me now? What’s the difference in how I am who I am? What about ME has changed?” Now ask yourself: “Within what’s changed, what’s not a […]

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The Role of Learning

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Critical Mislearnings: Corporations

The business examples are everywhere: Kodak missing Xerox, IBM missing Microsoft, Sony missing Apple, Microsoft missing Google, Google missing Facebook, Facebook missing Twitter, Blockbuster missing Netflix, Walmart missing Amazon, and on and on. In each case, the already dominant, well-positioned, and resourced company failed to take advantage of a huge opportunity emerging in its own […]

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Choosing to Learn – Learning to Choose

Can you remember being born? No? That’s because beings like us (persons – consciousnesses – selves) aren’t born fully developed. We are cumulatively learned. The differences between ourselves as infants and our current selves, including everything we know and think, everything we believe, and everything we are able to do – all those vast differences […]

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Other Words for Learning: Neuroplasticity?

Neuroplasticity describes the changeability of the brain’s neuro-cellular materiality. It asserts that neural connections, like plastic, are not immutable; under the right conditions, they can be reformed and repurposed.  But, this is where the term can mislead us. Plastic has no agency. It’s inert. Change happens to it. There is no being. No participation. Unlike […]

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Sound In the Womb Provides Sound Learning Benefits

This fascinating post outlines the temporal dynamics and training wheels’-like benefit-effects of initially learning the gross and fuzzies before learning to differentiate the more extensive, intense, subtle, and nuanced. However,  I share this because it is yet another example of how our common language obfuscates the role of learning in our lives. “Early Sound Exposure […]

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Learning to learn in the future

Driven by snowballing advances in science and technology, the world is rapidly becoming profoundly unlike any world any human has ever lived in. What should kids learn today in order to be healthy, happy, and prosperous 20 years from now? Because the future is so uncertain, nothing they can learn today is more important than […]

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Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change

Today’s children will live their adult lives in a world profoundly unlike any world any humans have ever lived in. What must we do today to prepare them for life in a future we can no longer predict? What is more important to their futures than how well they can learn when they get there? […]

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Curiosity Invited Podcast: Learning – The Central Dynamic of Being Human

Curiosity Invited Podcast. David Bryan in dialogue with David Boulton about learning and the role it plays in how human beings become who they become. #DavidBryan #learning #healthylearning #whatislearning #whatsnotlearning #curiosityinvited

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What is the ACE score for chronically feeling not good enough in school?

Since the initial emergence of ACE I’ve been interested in getting an additional type of ACE added to the framework: the adverse childhood experience of feeling CHRONICALLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH AT LEARNING. Where is the ACE score for “Chronic Learning-Performance Anxiety-Shame”? For day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year feeling […]

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