Tag Archives | genetically determined

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2020 Vision: The Institute for the Study and Prevention of ACQUIRED Learning Disabilities

“Learning – it’s the only thing that will never fail us” – Leonardo da Vinci Everything we know about who we are, what we are, why we are, how to do things, and how to change things, we have learned. Learning shapes virtually everything about human life. Implicitly we agree that learning is the central dynamic […]

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Re: How Identical Twins Develop Different Personalities

Why are you who you are? Re: “How Identical Twins Develop Different Personalities”

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Re: DNA Ain’t Destiny. No Kidding

Re: Wired Science 4-11-2012 DNA Ain’t Destiny. No Kidding “you are — a constant conversation between your genes and the environment, which includes both you and the surrounding world” Yes, it can’t be said enough that genes do not  programmatically determine who we become. And, the way you put it is a big improvement over the old dichotomy of nature v nurture […]

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Re: Dyscalculia and Working Memory

Re: http://www.sharpbrains.com/blog/2012/01/25/when-1-1-5-dyscalculia-and-working-memory/ Are the neu­ro­phys­i­cal cor­re­lates of work­ing mem­ory deficits the result of bio­log­i­cally ordained structural/processing insuf­fi­cien­cies (mal­adap­tive bio-development) (1) or are the neuro-physiological cor­re­lates of work­ing mem­ory deficits the result of a lack of neu­ro­phys­i­cal exercise/activity due to learned mal­ada­p­tive pro­cess­ing schema? For a related exam­ple, a recent study of dyslexia moved us closer to […]

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