Archive | Adult

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Majority of US Population Less than Proficient in Reading

NAEP (K-12) scores aren’t perfectly accurate measures of grade-level reading proficiency. NAAL (17-year-old and up) scores aren’t perfectly accurate measures of adult literacy. The fact that they are separate assessment systems used to report on very different populations and yet come pretty close to predicting each other suggests they are both in the ballpark and […]

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Peterson-Science of reading SM

Dr. Jordan Peterson on Teaching Reading

 This clip begins with Dr. Peterson suggesting that motivating kids to learn to read is key to improving our educational and societal improvement efforts. He then proceeds to provide an overview of the conventional (Science of Reading) model of teaching reading. The clip ends with the prescient statement: “if the faculties of education were […]

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we learned to


NATIONAL LEARNING CRISIS The founders of the U.S. created a framework that liberated, enabled, and ignited a more learning-oriented way of being united. Not perfect, but more perfect. More perfectly conducive to a new kind of collective learning that ultimately lead us to become the world’s most intelligent nation. Today, predatorily stupidified by the machinations […]

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LI most important for humanity

Our Future Depends on How Well We Learn Together

#MeToo #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #HumanRights #MedicareForAll #ClimateChange #PlanetaryPeace #GenderEquality … Given a multigenerational perspective (which we better have) and the unprecedented complexity, uncertainty, and speed of impending challenges (which we better realize), nothing is more important to humanity’s future than how well we LEARN TOGETHER. Every issue we care about can only be resolved by learning […]

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reading brain

Paradigm Inertia In Reading Science and Policy – Part 3: Learning Disabled Science

Back to Part 2: A Warning Shot from the Bush Administration Everyone we interviewed agreed: a significant component of the challenge of learning to read (English) is recognizing unfamiliar words fast enough to keep comprehension primed and flowing.   What most challenges the brain and causes the processing delays that “stutter” the flow of reading, […]

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COTC LI 2019 2

Paradigm Inertia In Reading Science and Policy – Part 1: Children of the Code

The “Children of the Code” project conducted over one hundred in-depth interviews with leading scientists and scholars whose expertise contributed to our prevailing understanding of the “the code and the challenges involved in learning to read it”. Children of the Code Interviewees “This program and the kind of effort that you’re doing seems to be […]

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IO title slide 10

Watch just 1 minute: Reading the NEW way – Instruction, Support, Improvement

Interactive Orthography: Training Wheels for Learning to Read and A Safety Net for Reading to Learn. Background: Library: Use it.   Share it.  Support it. PLEASE HELP US Learning Stewards is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that depends on the support of people like you. Please donate whatever you can. IT’S TAX DEDUCTIBLE Turn your Amazon shopping into […]

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ML add for all

Interactive Orthography

Imagine how different everything about literacy learning (and teaching) would be if the orthography was itself able to interactively guide and support learners through learning to recognize and understand any unfamiliar word they encounter. Interactive Orthography

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Together we can make your library a place where any student, regardless of their reading skills, background knowledge, or primary language, can receive individualized instruction and support while they are reading anything, on any device, in your library.

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Adult Literacy Tech: Overcoming Self-Sabotaging Habits

According to NAAL data, reading proficiency remains a significant bottleneck to social and economic progress for tens of millions of U.S. adults. Adults struggling with literacy (in their native language) are not only struggling with the inherent difficulties involved in literacy learning, they are struggling with what they learned in the past that is sabotaging […]

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