Archive | Self-Esteem

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Exploring Differing Assumptions in Reading Science – Emotions and Reading

 Dr. Andrew Johnson is a Reading Specialist and a Distinguished Faculty Scholar and Professor of Literacy at Minnesota State University.  I, David Boulton, am a Learning Activist with Learning Stewards. Dr. Johnson and I have very different views about reading and the process of learning to read. We agreed to learn together and respectfully […]

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bill maher

Bill Maher: Get Kids Reading!

 Bill Maher is known for pushing boundaries, criticizing and provoking both political wings, and for hosting conversations on a wide variety of important topics. During his April 21 2023 “Real Time” HBO show, Mr. Maher seemed startled as he read the headlines from a recent newspaper piece: “One in three children in America can […]

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The Most Powerful Shame

The most powerful shame motivates us to avoid what might lead to feeling it. It’s how body-shame limits our clothing choices and performance-shame limits our singing and dancing. Most importantly, it’s how mind-shame limits our learning. For more see:  Mind-Shame   

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not in dna

Not in DNA!

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in other words - character

Learning: Character

 “The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become” – Heraclitus “It is your character, and your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy. That is all that really passes for destiny. And you choose it. No one else can give it to […]

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When Learning Hurts – Toxic Learning

What and how students learn can have toxic effects on how well they learn thereafter. It’s vitally important that educators understand this.

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What does it mean that most of our children are CHRONICALLY IMPROFICIENT in the skills most critically important for success in school?

What does it mean that most of our children are CHRONICALLY IMPROFICIENT in the skill areas most critically important for success in school?

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Is Inequality A Matter of Choice?

The attribution of choice lies at the heart of virtually all forms of social inequality and what might also be called “self-inequality”. How we hold ourselves responsible for our choices forms much of the basis for how proud or ashamed of ourselves we are. How we hold others responsible for their choices forms much of […]

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Shame: Self-Deceiving, Self-Misperceiving, and Learning Disabling

From Science 2.0: Of 3,500 college applicants, more than a third couldn’t report their weight accurately. The heavier they were, the less accurate their estimates. “This misperception is important because the first step in dealing with a weight problem is knowing that you have one,” said Margarita Teran-Garcia, a University of Illinois professor of food science […]

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Re: Discovering How to Learn Smarter

Re: Discovering How to Learn Smarter Responded on two levels: 1) re: self-esteem: There is a difference between self-esteem as accumulated positivity and self-esteem as a buoyant absence of self-negativity. Of the two major domains of unhealthy learning, maladaptive cognitive schema and unconscious emotional aversions, the later, and in particular ‘mind-shame’, is largely the result of learned self-disesteem. 2) learning about the […]

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