From trillions of synapses to close to a million behaviors, from the content of thought to all ways of thinking, more than any other determinant everything humans know and believe is mostly determined by

From trillions of synapses to close to a million behaviors, from the content of thought to all ways of thinking, more than any other determinant everything humans know and believe is mostly determined by
“There is no greater injustice than to wring your profits from the sweat of another man’s brow.” — Abraham Lincoln There was a time in the U.S. when it was perfectly legal to own people and treat them like livestock. Juneteenth is the date the laws forbidding slavery reached the last remaining jurisdiction. While remembering and […]
NEW 2-26-22 VIDEO OF PRESENTATION NOW AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE The South Carolina Early Childhood Association and The Southern Early Childhood Association are partnering to host a joint (regional and state) VIRTUAL conference on February 3-5, 2022. The theme of the conference is Big Learning! Bigger Fun! Building a Foundation For the Future! David Boulton will be […]
NATIONAL LEARNING CRISIS The founders of the U.S. created a framework that liberated, enabled, and ignited a more learning-oriented way of being united. Not perfect, but more perfect. More perfectly conducive to a new kind of collective learning that ultimately lead us to become the world’s most intelligent nation. Today, predatorily stupidified by the machinations […]
Back to Part 2: A Warning Shot from the Bush Administration Everyone we interviewed agreed: a significant component of the challenge of learning to read (English) is recognizing unfamiliar words fast enough to keep comprehension primed and flowing. What most challenges the brain and causes the processing delays that “stutter” the flow of reading, […]
Imagine how different everything about literacy learning (and teaching) would be if the orthography was itself able to interactively guide and support learners through learning to recognize and understand any unfamiliar word they encounter. Interactive Orthography
According to NAAL data, reading proficiency remains a significant bottleneck to social and economic progress for tens of millions of U.S. adults. Adults struggling with literacy (in their native language) are not only struggling with the inherent difficulties involved in literacy learning, they are struggling with what they learned in the past that is sabotaging […]