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What is the ACE score for chronically feeling not good enough in school?

Since the initial emergence of ACE I’ve been interested in getting an additional type of ACE added to the framework: the adverse childhood experience of feeling CHRONICALLY NOT GOOD ENOUGH AT LEARNING. Where is the ACE score for “Chronic Learning-Performance Anxiety-Shame”? For day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year feeling […]

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in other words - character

Learning: Character

 “The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become” – Heraclitus “It is your character, and your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy. That is all that really passes for destiny. And you choose it. No one else can give it to […]

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2020 Vision: The Institute for the Study and Prevention of ACQUIRED Learning Disabilities

“Learning – it’s the only thing that will never fail us” – Leonardo da Vinci Everything we know about who we are, what we are, why we are, how to do things, and how to change things, we have learned. Learning shapes virtually everything about human life. Implicitly we agree that learning is the central dynamic […]

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we learned to


NATIONAL LEARNING CRISIS The founders of the U.S. created a framework that liberated, enabled, and ignited a more learning-oriented way of being united. Not perfect, but more perfect. More perfectly conducive to a new kind of collective learning that ultimately lead us to become the world’s most intelligent nation. Today, predatorily stupidified by the machinations […]

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LI most important for humanity

Our Future Depends on How Well We Learn Together

#MeToo #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #HumanRights #MedicareForAll #ClimateChange #PlanetaryPeace #GenderEquality … Given a multigenerational perspective (which we better have) and the unprecedented complexity, uncertainty, and speed of impending challenges (which we better realize), nothing is more important to humanity’s future than how well we LEARN TOGETHER. Every issue we care about can only be resolved by learning […]

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Paradigm Inertia In Reading Science and Policy – Part 1: Children of the Code

The “Children of the Code” project conducted over one hundred in-depth interviews with leading scientists and scholars whose expertise contributed to our prevailing understanding of the “the code and the challenges involved in learning to read it”. Children of the Code Interviewees “This program and the kind of effort that you’re doing seems to be […]

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Early Learning Trajectories: The Obstacle Course Wall

Note: See Demo at bottom of page Convergence Point 1 – Decades of social and economic research, beginning with the Coleman Report and since including Heckman, (Nobel Prize winner) Rolnick (Ex. V.P. of the FED), Hanushek (Hoover Institute) and many others, and decades of developmental neuroscience research, most notably as compiled by Harvard’s Jack Shonkoff, have converged and coalesced into […]

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Do you see what I see? The Child, the Child…

What we call their improficiencies are ours. Proficiency stats are mirrors that say more about our proficiency in stewarding their learning than they say about their capacity for learning.

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Re: Wired: Here’s How to Keep the Robots From Stealing Our Jobs

No matter how we reenvision the future of work one thing should now be abundantly clear: there will be ever fewer opportunities for human beings who can only perform repetitive manual labor, remember factoids, or perform routine intellectual functions.

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Superintendents: Are you “leading your teacher’s learning” or “training” them?

Buying the ‘right’ program and training teachers to use it is not only insufficient, it misorients a school system’s learning.

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