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mirror misconception 710

What I Learned From Polling You

In a recent poll, I asked: “Within their possible agency, what’s more important to children’s futures than how well they can learn?” I gave two quick-choice responses and invited comments: 1 – Some things are more important 2 – Nothing is more important Between LinkedIn and Facebook, the poll received around 10,000 impressions, but only […]

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slavers nuke

Juneteenth: What if the Slavers had Nukes?

“There is no greater injustice than to wring your profits from the sweat of another man’s brow.” — Abraham Lincoln There was a time in the U.S. when it was perfectly legal to own people and treat them like livestock.  Juneteenth is the date the laws forbidding slavery reached the last remaining jurisdiction. While remembering and […]

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bill maher

Bill Maher: Get Kids Reading!

 Bill Maher is known for pushing boundaries, criticizing and provoking both political wings, and for hosting conversations on a wide variety of important topics. During his April 21 2023 “Real Time” HBO show, Mr. Maher seemed startled as he read the headlines from a recent newspaper piece: “One in three children in America can […]

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artificial intelligence

The A.I. Endangering Us Today

It’s not sentient terminator or big brother AI. It’s AI used like a superweapon by political and corporate predators.

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Self-Reflection: In Other words, Learning

Self-Reflection? The term “self-reflection” does not refer to our appearance in a mirror. It refers to focusing our attention inwardly, into ourselves. It’s about learning into who we are, how we are, and how we became and are continuing to become ourselves. In other words, self-reflection is a kind of learning in which we are […]

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Critical Mislearnings: Corporations

The business examples are everywhere: Kodak missing Xerox, IBM missing Microsoft, Sony missing Apple, Microsoft missing Google, Google missing Facebook, Facebook missing Twitter, Blockbuster missing Netflix, Walmart missing Amazon, and on and on. In each case, the already dominant, well-positioned, and resourced company failed to take advantage of a huge opportunity emerging in its own […]

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Sound In the Womb Provides Sound Learning Benefits

This fascinating post outlines the temporal dynamics and training wheels’-like benefit-effects of initially learning the gross and fuzzies before learning to differentiate the more extensive, intense, subtle, and nuanced. However,  I share this because it is yet another example of how our common language obfuscates the role of learning in our lives. “Early Sound Exposure […]

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predict future

Learning to learn in the future

Driven by snowballing advances in science and technology, the world is rapidly becoming profoundly unlike any world any human has ever lived in. What should kids learn today in order to be healthy, happy, and prosperous 20 years from now? Because the future is so uncertain, nothing they can learn today is more important than […]

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Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change

Today’s children will live their adult lives in a world profoundly unlike any world any humans have ever lived in. What must we do today to prepare them for life in a future we can no longer predict? What is more important to their futures than how well they can learn when they get there? […]

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Curiosity Invited Podcast: Learning – The Central Dynamic of Being Human

Curiosity Invited Podcast. David Bryan in dialogue with David Boulton about learning and the role it plays in how human beings become who they become. #DavidBryan #learning #healthylearning #whatislearning #whatsnotlearning #curiosityinvited

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