Tag Archives | definition of learning

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Join us Feb 4th 2022 for “Stewarding Healthy Learning” at SCECA/SECA Virtual Conference

NEW 2-26-22 VIDEO OF PRESENTATION NOW AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE The South Carolina Early Childhood Association and The Southern Early Childhood Association are partnering to host a joint (regional and state) VIRTUAL conference on February 3-5, 2022.  The theme of the conference is Big Learning! Bigger Fun! Building a Foundation For the Future! David Boulton will be […]

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in other words - character

Learning: Character

 “The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become” – Heraclitus “It is your character, and your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy. That is all that really passes for destiny. And you choose it. No one else can give it to […]

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LI most important for humanity

Our Future Depends on How Well We Learn Together

#MeToo #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter #HumanRights #MedicareForAll #ClimateChange #PlanetaryPeace #GenderEquality … Given a multigenerational perspective (which we better have) and the unprecedented complexity, uncertainty, and speed of impending challenges (which we better realize), nothing is more important to humanity’s future than how well we LEARN TOGETHER. Every issue we care about can only be resolved by learning […]

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Mentorships in Education: A Podcast with David Boulton


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POLL: Who are you OTHER than who you have learned to be?

What can you say about yourself that is completely unaffected by learning? Please share your thoughts!

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Re: How Identical Twins Develop Different Personalities

Why are you who you are? Re: “How Identical Twins Develop Different Personalities”

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Our government is what our population has learned it to be.

Our national political conversation is devoid of even mentioning the central issue that, within two decades, will most determine our nation’s fate: our most distinctive competency – our only long term competitive advantage – our collective intelligence.

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My Keynote to the Georgia School Superintendents Conference

The most cost-optimal, high ROI, way to improve our schools is to focus on upgrading the mental models through which educators understand and experience learning and understand their mission and purpose as educators.

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Re: DNA Ain’t Destiny. No Kidding

Re: Wired Science 4-11-2012 DNA Ain’t Destiny. No Kidding “you are — a constant conversation between your genes and the environment, which includes both you and the surrounding world” Yes, it can’t be said enough that genes do not  programmatically determine who we become. And, the way you put it is a big improvement over the old dichotomy of nature v nurture […]

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Learning & Intelligence

Learning (v) is the exercise of intelligence. Learning(n) is the memory-effects of the exercise of intelligence (like muscle-effects result from physical exercise).  To whatever degree our intelligences (physical, emotional, cognitive, linguistic, social, spiritual, visual, musical, etc..) aren’t genetically determined, our intelligences grow – extend – adapt – evolve – improve (whatever other word you might prefer) […]

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