Tag Archives | education (institution)

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Realizing The Power of Learning: Teens

Understanding “I will become who I learn to become” can be profoundly beneficial for all teens, especially those facing socioeconomic disadvantages.

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Realizing The Power of Learning

Within a child’s agency, nothing is more universally determining of how they are becoming the adults they are becoming than the ongoing live flow of their learning. Consider the life-benefits of learning early in life that “I will become who I learn to become”.

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Engaging Learning

Throughout the following conversation please filter your responses through our previous agreements: Children can’t help but learn to become adults Learning is not just “a” central focus; it is “the” central dynamic of being human, encompassing every aspect of our existence and development. Because nothing within a child’s potential agency is (or can be) more […]

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Universal Learning Needs

I am in Blue. Gemini (formerly Bard) is in Black Considering everything discussed and referred to in our prior conversations:  Always Learning  What Should They Learn  We Must Be Stewards  Miraculous Intersections Regardless of what we are learning, what are the kinds of learning need experiences that can be consciously recognized during the flow of participating […]

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Please Help Us Prepare: Climate Change

Even if you deny the warnings of climate science, there’s no denying the effects of climate change. Extreme weather has now become so commonplace that insurance companies will no longer cover weather related natural disasters. Think about that. It won’t be long before life, health, property, and even auto insurance premiums will all be more […]

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Majority of US Population Less than Proficient in Reading

NAEP (K-12) scores aren’t perfectly accurate measures of grade-level reading proficiency. NAAL (17-year-old and up) scores aren’t perfectly accurate measures of adult literacy. The fact that they are separate assessment systems used to report on very different populations and yet come pretty close to predicting each other suggests they are both in the ballpark and […]

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bill maher

Bill Maher: Get Kids Reading!

 Bill Maher is known for pushing boundaries, criticizing and provoking both political wings, and for hosting conversations on a wide variety of important topics. During his April 21 2023 “Real Time” HBO show, Mr. Maher seemed startled as he read the headlines from a recent newspaper piece: “One in three children in America can […]

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predict future

Learning to learn in the future

Driven by snowballing advances in science and technology, the world is rapidly becoming profoundly unlike any world any human has ever lived in. What should kids learn today in order to be healthy, happy, and prosperous 20 years from now? Because the future is so uncertain, nothing they can learn today is more important than […]

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Challenge of Change

The Challenge of Change

Today’s children will live their adult lives in a world profoundly unlike any world any humans have ever lived in. What must we do today to prepare them for life in a future we can no longer predict? What is more important to their futures than how well they can learn when they get there? […]

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Redefining Learning

We Must Redefine Learning!

Redefining Learning – Curiosity Invited Clip

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