Archive | Children of the Code

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Exploring Differing Assumptions in Reading Science – Beginning Reading Instruction

 Dr. Andrew Johnson is a Reading Specialist and a Distinguished Faculty Scholar and Professor of Literacy at Minnesota State University.  I, David Boulton, am a Learning Activist with Learning Stewards. Dr. Johnson and I have very different views about reading and the process of learning to read. We agreed to learn together and respectfully […]

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Majority of US Population Less than Proficient in Reading

NAEP (K-12) scores aren’t perfectly accurate measures of grade-level reading proficiency. NAAL (17-year-old and up) scores aren’t perfectly accurate measures of adult literacy. The fact that they are separate assessment systems used to report on very different populations and yet come pretty close to predicting each other suggests they are both in the ballpark and […]

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Bill Maher: Get Kids Reading!

 Bill Maher is known for pushing boundaries, criticizing and provoking both political wings, and for hosting conversations on a wide variety of important topics. During his April 21 2023 “Real Time” HBO show, Mr. Maher seemed startled as he read the headlines from a recent newspaper piece: “One in three children in America can […]

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Musk: AI Will Hit Us Like An Asteroid

“It blows my mind that people can’t apply exponential growth to the capabilities of AI. You would’ve been called a *lunatic* a year ago if you said we’d have GPT-4 level AI right now. Now think another year. 5yrs? 10yrs? It’s going to hit them like an asteroid.” “I saw it happening from well before […]

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Dr. Jordan Peterson on Teaching Reading

 This clip begins with Dr. Peterson suggesting that motivating kids to learn to read is key to improving our educational and societal improvement efforts. He then proceeds to provide an overview of the conventional (Science of Reading) model of teaching reading. The clip ends with the prescient statement: “if the faculties of education were […]

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The Goal of Instruction is Autonomous Learning

The purpose of reading instruction is to teach learners to be able to progress when they are reading on their own – when they are reading in-between instructional sessions. Learners who don’t read enough between instructional sessions don’t progress. In terms of the “practice” required to advance in reading, the number of words read during […]

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Curiosity Invited Podcast: Learning – The Central Dynamic of Being Human

Curiosity Invited Podcast. David Bryan in dialogue with David Boulton about learning and the role it plays in how human beings become who they become. #DavidBryan #learning #healthylearning #whatislearning #whatsnotlearning #curiosityinvited

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Part 3: Decoding Confusion – The Bottleneck to Progress in Reading

A short but deep journey into the root cause of reading difficulties and a new way of thinking about how to support children and adults who are learning to read and/or reading to learn.

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Part 1 – A Brief Tour Through Decades of U.S. Reading Scores

See for yourself. Despite all the hype about reading, despite the thousands of research studies, the billions spent trying to improve instruction, and the trillions lost as a consequence, reading scores in America today are virtually the same as they were when we started keeping data.

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Introducing the FREE Online Learning Support Net (OLSN)

Imagine a future in which ANY person regardless of their age, language, reading skill, or knowledge level, can click ANY online word and instantly get the personalized help they need to learn to r-e-a-d and understand it.

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