Archive | Mission of Education

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Realizing The Power of Learning: Teens

Understanding “I will become who I learn to become” can be profoundly beneficial for all teens, especially those facing socioeconomic disadvantages.

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Engaging Learning

Throughout the following conversation please filter your responses through our previous agreements: Children can’t help but learn to become adults Learning is not just “a” central focus; it is “the” central dynamic of being human, encompassing every aspect of our existence and development. Because nothing within a child’s potential agency is (or can be) more […]

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The Miraculous Intersection

  The best possible source of information from which to improve the stewarding of children’s learning, and the best possible source children have to improve their participation in learning is the same.  Decades ago, I started calling this convergence the “miraculous intersection“. In this conversation with Gemini (Google’s renamed Bard), we explore this ground-level principle […]

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Stewards of Learning to Learn

I am in Blue. Gemini (formerly Bard) is in Black (via Gemini) Based on your response to our conversation: “Now that you are here, what should children learn?” do you still agree with the statement: “In the face of such unprecedented uncertainty, nothing within a child’s potential agency is (or can be) more universally relevant […]

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Now What Should Children Learn?

Today’s children will become adults in a world beyond the imaginations of their parents and teachers. Given such unprecedented uncertainty about the future, what should children learn?

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8 dimensions of wellness

8 Dimensions of Wellness = 8 Dimensions of Healthy Learning

Look at the descriptions of each dimension. Each one depends on our learning. There may be aspects of each that are outside our agency, but within our agency, each one not only depends on our learning it is determined by our learning. This is what we need to learn. We are who we learn to […]

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Please Help Us Prepare: Climate Change

Even if you deny the warnings of climate science, there’s no denying the effects of climate change. Extreme weather has now become so commonplace that insurance companies will no longer cover weather related natural disasters. Think about that. It won’t be long before life, health, property, and even auto insurance premiums will all be more […]

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Teaching: First-Person Learning is the Method and the Goal

 First-Person Learning is the Method and the Goal. This clip is an excerpt from my 4th conversation with Dr. Andrew Johnson. See also: Redefining Learning Learning Character Learning to Choose  Learning to be Human Stewarding Learning: Teachers Stewarding Learning: Families Lifetime Learning  Unhealthy Learning Learning Together    I AM Learning Links to people […]

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What I Learned From Polling You

In a recent poll, I asked: “Within their possible agency, what’s more important to children’s futures than how well they can learn?” I gave two quick-choice responses and invited comments: 1 – Some things are more important 2 – Nothing is more important Between LinkedIn and Facebook, the poll received around 10,000 impressions, but only […]

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Juneteenth: What if the Slavers had Nukes?

“There is no greater injustice than to wring your profits from the sweat of another man’s brow.” — Abraham Lincoln There was a time in the U.S. when it was perfectly legal to own people and treat them like livestock.  Juneteenth is the date the laws forbidding slavery reached the last remaining jurisdiction. While remembering and […]

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