Imagine a future in which ANY person regardless of their age, language, reading skill, or knowledge level, can click ANY online word and instantly get the personalized help they need to learn to r-e-a-d and understand it.

Imagine a future in which ANY person regardless of their age, language, reading skill, or knowledge level, can click ANY online word and instantly get the personalized help they need to learn to r-e-a-d and understand it.
“The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become” – Heraclitus “It is your character, and your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy. That is all that really passes for destiny. And you choose it. No one else can give it to […]
RECOMMENDATION: Watch it: PBS Nova: At to Z: The First Alphabet (released 9/23/20) This beautifully well done @PBS @Nova documentary, A to Z: The First Alphabet, outlines how writing developed from pictographs to rebuses to hieroglyphs to the alphabet. It parallels and improves on aspects of our video the “Alphabet’s Big Bang” (the second segment […]
Join us May 28th at 2:15 for “Flipping Learning to Read” at the “Straight Talk by the Experts” virtual conference. Attendance is just $10 which will be donated to helping Covid heroes. For more information:
“Learning – it’s the only thing that will never fail us” – Leonardo da Vinci Everything we know about who we are, what we are, why we are, how to do things, and how to change things, we have learned. Learning shapes virtually everything about human life. Implicitly we agree that learning is the central dynamic […]
How is it that as your eyes look at this c-o-d-e YOUR inner voice speaks MY words? Do you have a good understanding of how your brain does this? How your brain, like an MP3 player “runs” this c-o-d-e, and “plays” my words into your mind? If you don’t understand reading as an “artificially” seeded, […]
Reading is an artificially inseminated language experience. Artificial in the sense that the words we are speaking-hearing are not naturally occurring nor are they originating – like thinking or self-talk – within our own minds. Inseminated in the sense that the words we are reading are entering our minds artificially. When we read, our […]
Webpages – Articles – Stories – Lessons – Guides – Manuals – Courses – Journals – Blogs – Ezines – Tests – Epubs – Surveys – Assessments – Newsletters – Advertisements – Announcements. QUESTION 1: If people with lower literacy skills or limited English could read your content would they enjoy or benefit from doing so? QUESTION […]
NATIONAL LEARNING CRISIS The founders of the U.S. created a framework that liberated, enabled, and ignited a more learning-oriented way of being united. Not perfect, but more perfect. More perfectly conducive to a new kind of collective learning that ultimately lead us to become the world’s most intelligent nation. Today, predatorily stupidified by the machinations […]