Today’s children will become adults in a world beyond the imaginations of their parents and teachers. Given such unprecedented uncertainty about the future, what should children learn?

Today’s children will become adults in a world beyond the imaginations of their parents and teachers. Given such unprecedented uncertainty about the future, what should children learn?
Look at the descriptions of each dimension. Each one depends on our learning. There may be aspects of each that are outside our agency, but within our agency, each one not only depends on our learning it is determined by our learning. This is what we need to learn. We are who we learn to […]
Stanford University professor Robert Sapolsky just released a new book called: Determined A Science of Life Without Free Will How could a field-leading behavioral neuroscientist claim we have no free will? He’s not being tricky. He has scientifically arrived at the conclusion that what we commonly call free will is an illusion. You can get […]
Hold up a mirror and look carefully at your eyes.
Even if you deny the warnings of climate science, there’s no denying the effects of climate change. Extreme weather has now become so commonplace that insurance companies will no longer cover weather related natural disasters. Think about that. It won’t be long before life, health, property, and even auto insurance premiums will all be more […]
“There is no greater injustice than to wring your profits from the sweat of another man’s brow.” — Abraham Lincoln There was a time in the U.S. when it was perfectly legal to own people and treat them like livestock. Juneteenth is the date the laws forbidding slavery reached the last remaining jurisdiction. While remembering and […]
Learning genderizes our gender. Learning doesn’t determine gender – learning determines genderization.
The most powerful shame motivates us to avoid what might lead to feeling it. It’s how body-shame limits our clothing choices and performance-shame limits our singing and dancing. Most importantly, it’s how mind-shame limits our learning. For more see: Mind-Shame
This fascinating post outlines the temporal dynamics and training wheels’-like benefit-effects of initially learning the gross and fuzzies before learning to differentiate the more extensive, intense, subtle, and nuanced. However, I share this because it is yet another example of how our common language obfuscates the role of learning in our lives. “Early Sound Exposure […]
I have long had concerns about the “Growth Mindset” movement. I have a sense that it’s well-intentioned and kindred in some ways, but that it is in danger of becoming yet another fad – another protocol that ends up deemphasizing first-person learning because of how it pushes what to believe. About a week ago I […]