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Peterson-Science of reading SM

Dr. Jordan Peterson on Teaching Reading

 This clip begins with Dr. Peterson suggesting that motivating kids to learn to read is key to improving our educational and societal improvement efforts. He then proceeds to provide an overview of the conventional (Science of Reading) model of teaching reading. The clip ends with the prescient statement: “if the faculties of education were […]

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brain gender

Brain Gender Learning?

Learning genderizes our gender.  Learning doesn’t determine gender – learning determines genderization.

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The Most Powerful Shame

The most powerful shame motivates us to avoid what might lead to feeling it. It’s how body-shame limits our clothing choices and performance-shame limits our singing and dancing. Most importantly, it’s how mind-shame limits our learning. For more see:  Mind-Shame   

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artificial intelligence

The A.I. Endangering Us Today

It’s not sentient terminator or big brother AI. It’s AI used like a superweapon by political and corporate predators.

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not in dna

Not in DNA!

Click this or the image for more.

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The Role of Learning

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Distance learning composition with icons of gear molecula and books with gadgets computers tutors and pupils vector illustration

The Goal of Instruction is Autonomous Learning

The purpose of reading instruction is to teach learners to be able to progress when they are reading on their own – when they are reading in-between instructional sessions. Learners who don’t read enough between instructional sessions don’t progress. In terms of the “practice” required to advance in reading, the number of words read during […]

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Self-Reflection: In Other words, Learning

Self-Reflection? The term “self-reflection” does not refer to our appearance in a mirror. It refers to focusing our attention inwardly, into ourselves. It’s about learning into who we are, how we are, and how we became and are continuing to become ourselves. In other words, self-reflection is a kind of learning in which we are […]

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Caution: Learning is the leading cause of disabled learning

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Tutor Helper

Are you a tutor that uses online reading assignments? Would your students benefit from a free virtual assistant that is always ready to help them learn to decode, recognize, pronounce, understand, translate, and comprehend any word they encounter in any online assignment? Click to learn more about it

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